


儒佛正見在因果  能令學者入善流

社會風氣淳厚後  天災人禍以潛消

他世受用此生業  餘慶子孫代代享

若能回向安樂土  彌陀相迎離五濁


因 果 錄 序


A Record of Karma Retribution

 (or A Record of the Buddhist Way of Causality)


by Dharma Master Yin Kuang


The Law of Karma Retribution is in fact uncovered in the context of Buddhist scriptures and has been broadly signified in the Classics of Confucianism.

12. 若書之作善降之百祥,作不善降之百殃與洪範五福六極之說。

Just as the Book of History says,… giving one hundred times payments in return with suitable merits for good works and condign punishment for evil deeds.The book of Great Plan also  stated the retributive consequences of five types of fortune and six extremities.


The Book of Changes says, … a bonus of good fortune to be rejoiced will attach to the descendants of family lineages with a tradition of nourishing good deeds; while excessive bad fortune will attach to the descendants of family lineages with accumulative evil deeds. It is, after all, a demonstration of how the Law of Karma Retribution operates to affect people.


The brief reasoning of retribution has only described the repayment in this life and effects to ones' descendants, but no details are accounted on about the causal relations with the and consequences of reincarnation through the Six Domains and Three Paths in the past, present, and future lives. If people do not study the law of causality thoroughly and profoundly, they would not be able to recognize the importance of override reincarnation (samsara).

15. 兼以俗儒每欲各豎門庭與佛競異縱令知之亦不肯提倡。

In addition, vulgar Confucian followers have always sought to establish their own sects of Confucian teachings by emphasizing the differences between Confucianism and Buddhism, intentionally to split with the Buddhist Way. Even though some of them knew the common ground of the two, they refused to become Buddhist advocates.


As a result, without such a foundation to rest on, the sages would not be able to attain the utmost achievements of cultivating honest people and developing a righteous society. Ignorant people would therefore embrace evil ideas and rely on the law of the jungle; thus leading to intense struggles and mutual attacks among people that brought the unprecedented kalpa of killing to the foreground.


The victim's ill fate was distressful, but the killers' fate was even more miserable. Accordingly , the killers have to bear ten thousand times the pains the victims experienced. Earthly men could not foresee and understand the horrible consequences the killers would have to shoulder. If people were able to foresee, they would know that the pains of the victim of family slaughtering could account for a one or two to ten million times ratio to that of the pains of the slaughterers would receive.


The pains and tortures of the slaughterers would experience in the Three Paths were beyond one's descriptions. How miserable would it be in a situation as such?


The Karma Retribution I have always mentioned about should be referred to the almighty capacity on Earth as it is in Heaven. This capacity enabling sagacious leaders to bring peace to the secular world and to assist all beings getting away from the constraints of reincarnation.


Even in the prime time of Buddhism, without advocates of law of causality, hardly could the naivete escape from their own wrongdoings nor could the intelligent ones vigorously devoted themselves to accumulate merits by performing good deeds.


In the morally reduced circumstances people were living in nowadays, their hearts were corrupted and minds distracted. They abandoned the teachings in the Classics, overturned  ethical codes, and led evil thoughts flushed in drowning them all. Some vigorous ones resolved to direct people into the right way again, striving to turn the currents back. The first thing they have to do was to resort to the Law of Karma Retribution as a resourceful tool effectuated to correcting faults and enlightening minds. Without such a rationale, in the spite of the reappearance of manifestations of Boddhisatva and ancient sages could not help the people in the secular world, not to mention for those of inferior wisdom and capacities.


Mr. Chin Hsi-chang of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province,a Buddhist layman-follower observed the phenomenon, recourse the problem to the transmission of the Law of Causality among the people. He collected contemporary stories and records of causality and compiled them into a booklet-A Record of Karma Retribution which would be published for circulation soon.


Mr. Chin wished that everyone would cherish the spirit of self-interest by accomplishing the interest of others; and to achieve self-reliance by supporting others to develop their own. 


That is, helping to build a society that honors good habits and honest customs. Manmade calamities would then come to a halt and Heavenly Providence become frequent. Here I stated induce wisdom of intellects that may help to attain an ideal harmonic world which appeared during the times of our ancient righteous kings.


As an offering to the readers, the Foreword should be considered a lead for readership.(End)


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